Presenting an authorization-based encryption algorithm, which using two encryption parameters, a public secret key and a private secret key, and converting user password into PC to save in database by exclusive-OR logical operation. 提出了一种针对CMS用户权限的加密算法,该算法具有公匙和私匙两个加密参数,通过异或等逻辑运算将用户口令加密成伪码再进行存储。
The multiple fault testing of synchronous sequential circuit with the dynamic Boolean equation method which reduces the Exclusive-OR operation to the logic addition one is proposed. 本文提出了同步时序线路多故障测试动态布尔方程方法,它将同步时序线路中的异或运算归结为逻辑加运算,可一次求出被测线上双固定型故障s-a-1和s-a-0的全部测试集。
Transformation between OC expansion coefficients map and b_j map of logical function based on the Exclusive-OR operation 基于异或运算的逻辑函数OC展开系数图与bj图的转换
This paper discusses the transform between d_j expansion coefficients based on Coincidence operation and b_j expansion coefficients based on Exclusive-OR operation, and proposes eight matrix transform methods. 讨论了基于异或运算的bj展开系数和基于符合运算的dj展开系数的矩阵转换方法,给出了8种矩阵转换方法。
As only odd-even parameters and exclusive-or operation are used, this method is both intuitive and simple. 该方法只用到通路的奇偶参数和异或运算,因此求解过程既直观又简单。
The principle of pseudorandom sequence generators is analyzed; and the source why the length of a period of the sequences generated with pseudorandom sequence generators is less than 2n is that only exclusive-or operation is used to get the feedback signal. 分析了伪随机序列发生器工作原理,指出其发生序列的周期长度小于2n的根源在于仅用异或运算产生反馈信号。
XOR ( exclusive-or) is a kind of logic operation and the XOR style task formed by such operation mode can be used in category learning. XOR(异或)是一种逻辑运算方式,由这种运算方式所形成的XOR任务是类别学习中的一种任务模式。